Tuesday, August 23, 2005

JC: Superstar True Confession

Apropos of nothing, Ms. Michele of Long Island writes about JCS the movie. Never much of a fan of the cheesball movie (I also HATE, HATE, HATE Godschlep, I mean Godspell) but I did memorize the entire original cast album and my Grandma bought the sheet music for me (above) because at 10 years old I used to sing it for her.

Here's a true confession: I knew every lyric of JCS and once sang myself out of a fearful situation (12 years old, alone, dark, woods, rain, varmits) by going through the entire opera a capella several times.

I can still remember quite a bit of it by heart. Thanks Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Weber.

"My mind is clearer now..."


At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, that is so lame.


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